Hey Now, we just wrapped up work on the new custom Craigslist Ad for Robert Kravath. We were very happy with the way this custom ad turned out and evidently the client is too. He has already made several post, and it looks like new post are being added daily.
One of the neat things about getting a professionally designed Craigslist ad from Foamers, is that you are not just getting a static JPG, you are getting the .psd sources file which includes the custom ad’s source file usually in a sliced format which allows you to customize, and make changes, and edit it as you see fit.
So what you may not realize is that you pay once for the custom ad, and then you keep this reusable tool that is easy-to-edit, and even 6 to 8 months down the line it is still very adaptable, very useful.
Besides, with tons of competition for the same topic, and the way the economy is right now, there’s no doubt about it, professionally designed craigslist ads get more clicks, develop more leads, and make more sales.