This is what I've been warning everyone about with relation the https. Google is now sending this message directly to each individual site owner that will be affected by this. Have you received one of these notices yet? If so, your visitors might soon be greeted with a "NOT SECURE" warning.
Here's what the notice looks like:
How to fix it
The way to fix it is to migrate to https (secure pages). If you don’t know where to get started, we can help you out. For a free estimate on HTTP to HTTPS migration services give us a call at (408)661 4699. We can walk you through the entire process, and advise you on which type of certificate to get.
Heed my warning
If you ignore it, hoping for it to go away, here's what'll happen - when people start to fill that contact form Chrome will show a "NOT SECURE" warning. Thus, Google is going to show preference to secure websites vs non secure, and that is going to have a direct affect on your SEO.
What your competitor doesn't know...
Plus, if you have competitors, they are probably going to be clueless about this, and you'll be able to get an early leg up on your SEO for 2018.
HTTP to HTTPS migration sounds like another expense, but technical SEO is as crucial as local SEO to rank higher, and our dedicated technical SEO specialists know exactly what it takes to move that needle!