We are now a full-service Pay-Per-Click (PPC) management agency in addition to SEO. We offer setup, maintenance, and ongoing improvement of Google Ads. An optimized Google Ad account encourages targeted clickthroughs from the right customers — ultimately increasing website traffic and the number of inquiries you receive.
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Google Ads — previously known as Google AdWords — is the best pay-per-click advertising solution for getting brands noticed. Foamers is proud to be a Search Engine Optimization specialist and PPC management company with the expertise to manage your Google Ads account. We create a tailored pay-per-click strategy to suit your company's unique needs and target market. Furthermore, we constantly tweak and update your account so you convert more leads and grow your business.
What Is PPC Management?
Have you ever noticed the sponsored adverts at the very top of search engine results pages? Of course you have! They're in full view, for everyone to see. This what's known as pay-per-click advertising, and it's a clever way of using keywords to get in front of people when they're actively looking for your product or service. If someone types a phrase or word that relates to your offering, your ads show up at the top, provided your quality score and bid are high enough.
Pay-per-click marketing is so popular because you only pay for the service if it succeeds in sending someone to your site. That means if your ad doesn't get any clicks, you don't have to pay. While organic SEO is a long-term strategy for driving results, PPC compliments it perfectly by offering instant action.
We use our combined experience to configure your Google Ads so you get the best possible quality score. Optimized keywords and adverts translate to a high quality score that means your efforts cost less and reach more people.
We can help you climb to the top of the SERPs and get in front of future clients at the exact moment they're searching for the products or services you offer.

Why hire us to manage your Google Ads?
Google Ads uses keywords and a bidding system to rank the listings. Its algorithm determines the ad position based on a quality score and the direct relevance of the query. If your ads are relevant your cost per click will go down and you'll have the best chance of getting into that top spot. It takes time and effort to optimize your quality score. You need to spend a significant portion of time tweaking keywords, landing page quality, click-through rate, relevance and historical performance.
Instead of trying to squeeze all of this extra work around your busy schedule, leave it to the experts. At Foamers, we can help you target the right customers at the perfect time to increase conversions.
Link Google Ads and Analytics
We link Google Ads with Google Analytics to find out what works and what doesn't, in real-time. We can implement conversion tracking strategies to capture data about who's clicking your ads and how they're interacting with your site.
Continually improve your Ads
As an SEO and PPC company, all of our time is dedicated to doing the work necessary to drive your website up the search engine results pages. We're constantly researching new ways of improving your Google Ads account and using our insider knowledge to get you ahead of the competition.
If you're ready to start driving instant results with pay-per-click advertising, get in touch with Foamers today at 408-661-4699.
PPC Management Agency FAQ
What Is the Quality Score?
To successfully run a PPC campaign, you need to have a clear understanding of how to boost the quality score. The main objective of a search engine is to provide its users with the most relevant and useful results for their questions and queries. This is also true of pay-per-click ads. Search engines assess quality based on the quality of the ad, the strength of the keywords and how well the landing page is optimized for the search query.
Which Sites Offer PPC Advertising?
There are two main sites that offer PPC advertising, Google AdWords and Microsoft Bing Ads. While there are other search engines and sites that offer the service, they represent less than 10% of the overall market share.
What Are Google Ads Keywords?
There are four matching options for Google Ads: Phrase match, broad match, expanded broad match and exact match. By defining targeted keywords, you'll capture search intent when your audience types exact matches to keywords and close variations. Phrase match is perhaps the most important because broad match and expanded broad match shows your ad to a very broad audience. On the other hand, an exact match narrows the results down to people who only type an exact match into Google.
Where Do Pay-Per-Click Ads Appear?
Google Ads shows your PPC ads on the Google SERPs in addition to anywhere that participates in the Google AdSense program for publishers.
Who Sees Pay-Per-Click Advertising?
Search advertising PPC adverts get shown to customers who are using a search engine on their phone, desktop or tablet. You see these at the top of the SERPs and they're highly targeted because they're only put in front of users with an interest in your service or product.
What's Ad Rank?
Ad rank relates to the position your Google Ad lands on in the search engine results pages. It's determined by ad quality, bid amount, competitors, ad threshold, the expected impact of extensions and the context of the user's search query. Good ad rank equals more visibility and more conversions.